Troops rescue pregnant Chibok schoolgirl

1st From left is Hauwa Martha, one of the rescued Chibokschool girl with 3 months pregnancy.

…Arrests 19 suspected terrorists

Troops of 114 Task Force Battalion, Bita in Gwoza Local Government Area of Borno State, have rescued yet another abducted Chibok schoolgirl.

The 26-year-old Hauwa Martha on serial number 2 in the abducted Chibok schoolgirls list since April 14, 2014, was rescued on April 21, 2023, with her three-year-old baby by the troops during operations at Lagara.
She is from Kibaku in Jila, Chibok Local Government Area of Borno State.

Sources, yesterday, told our correspondent of the development, which was also confirmed by Zagazola Makama, a Counter-Insurgency Expert and Security Analyst in the Lake Chad region.

The source said: “While in captivity, Martha got married in Gulukos to one Salman, a cameraman to the late terrorist’s leader, Abubakar Shekau.

“Salman later died in Lake Chad. Thereafter, the victim got married again to one Mallam Muhammad in Gobara and had two children for him. Mallam Muhammad, her second husband, was also killed in Ukuba terrorist enclave in Sambisa forest during clashes between JAS and ISWAP.

“Since her rescue, Martha, who is about eight months pregnant, has undergone medical examination with her baby.
“Having been adequately resuscitated, Martha and her baby, Fatima, will be as usual, handed over to the Borno State government for further management.”

In a related development, troops of Sector 3 MNJTF, have arrested 19 suspected Boko Haram members and recovered several weapons from their hideouts in the North-East of Borno State.

The terrorists were intercepted and arrested on April 29 at Kangori village, about 17km West of Damasak, during intensified patrols, raids and mop-up operation by the troops of Operation Desert/Lake Sanity II, at the Bulabulin general area.

It was further learned that the troops also recovered some IEDs making equipment, six AK-47 magazines among other weapons. The troops also burnt down some of their hamlets.


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